
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Movie of Countless Easter Eggs

A while back I wrote a review of the book Ready Player One. It will not be long now until we get the movie adaptation. You can see the trailer for it here: I enjoyed the trailer, but was disappointed that it did not give any hint of the story. The action was good and we were given a flood of the visual effects. We are given the most basics of the world. The problem is anyone not familiar with the book will not know what the movie is about. I also found it interesting that most of what we see in the trailer does not appear in the book (unless I am misremembering something). While I loved those scenes, I am wondering how they fit into it all. I have never been a purest when it comes to the source materiel. I've seen great adaptations done that have taken great liberties from the original souces. So that is not bothering me, I just want to see more so I know the story is there. No matter what, Ready Player One will undoubtedly have m...

I'm Hot For The Doctor

So the big news today is that the 13th Doctor will be Jodie Whittaker ( ), our first female Doctor. I am binge watching Broadchurch today in order to get familiar with her I have no problem at all with the idea of a woman playing the Doctor, outside of the idea of finding the Doctor attractive, which does feel a little odd after a life time of male Doctors. I am ready to see what direction they take this change and how this alters the dynamics of the series. There is no doubt this is a big change that will attract attention, both positive and negative. Everything I have seen so far personally has been people all for this and ready for a female Doctor. Of course that is the crowd I associate with.  I have heard reports that I do not find surprising, just disappointing, that there has been those who have a negative reaction to this news. Found this pic for anyone looking to read comments about the casting: Regretfully chances are real go...

And My Army Grows

If you didn't know, I am a bit of a Star Wars fan, and I do a little collecting here and there. I also have an army of R2-D2s And there are more of them in other displays, as well as packed away because I am unable to find room to display them. R2 has always been my favorite character and he is so easy to merchandise. I love it when I run across a new piece that corresponds to me having money (It is annoying how those two have to come together). This last weekend I was at Denver Comic Con, which I always enjoy. As of late for various reason I have not been picking up pieces too often, so I was not going out of my way to look. But on my last trip through the dealers room, I stopped to look at a booth selling Japanese merchandise of all manner. And I found this guy: It is an R2 on a bottle cap. The bottle cap itself does not have any groves on it, so you just place it over the opening. Not sure how they were distributed, as there is not really a practic...