
Showing posts from 2016

The Legacy Lives On, Despite the Curse

Just finished reading the latest edition of the fandom than will not die, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. To start off you have to understand this is NOT a Harry Potter novel.  This is a special edition of the script for the play that is currently running over in the UK.  While Rowling had a hand in creating the story, the official playwright is Jack Thorne. The play picks up right where the books and movies left us off, with Harry sending his son off to Hogwarts for the first time. Right away things take a noticeably different turn than what one would have expected and then goes to some places that seem out of place for the stories that led to this point. I had heard that it read more like fan fiction than Rowling's style, and I do have to agree with that conclusion. There was a noticeable amount of finding ways to include a great deal of characters and scenes that seemed to be there because it is stuff the fans would want to see.  While the story itself is not ...

My Theories From The Force Awakens

So by now the whole of mankind should have gotten out and seen Star Wars The Force Awakens.  Seriously by this point there is no excuse at all to justify not having seen it.  If you have been stranded on a deserted island for the last year, then you better get your act together and get caught up with society. I'll let you take a break for a few hours and watch it before you continue reading... Ok, so now everyone reading this has seen The Force Awakens. One big thing a lot of people don't seem to understand is that this was planned as the first part of a new trilogy.  That means they can plan out the story in a way that they do not need to give us all the answers right away. I actually like it that way, even though I have heard some complaints about how much was left unexplained. I'm a patient person for the most part and I can handle my story be stretched out. Of course if we hit episode 9 and there are still the same unanswered questions, then we have a real problem...

Pokemon Go... Where?

I am going to start off this post by putting a simple fact out there that will give everyone a point of reference for where the ideas of this post is coming from.  I am not a Pokemon fan on any level. I remember when it first came out I received some promotional video in the mail for some reason telling me all about it. I was extremely under impressed by what I saw. I could not envision this being anything more than a total bomb of a concept. I mean taking the whole concept of cock fighting and  making it appealing to kids... If the kids even got into it, I foresaw some major protesting over the concept itself. The toys looked lame and I found the cartoon to be one of the most boring things to watch and the first movie was just poorly thought out on so many levels, and the video game just felt pointless. So somehow it has been around nearly 20 years now and my basic opinions of it all has not changed.  I truly do not for one moment understand the overall appeal of P...

Ghostbusters Reboot Has "Ruined My Childhood"?

It seems that Sci-Fi fans are often the most troubled people on the planet.  The Red Wedding from Game of Thrones destroyed their lives. We had the creators of South Park claim that Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull left them feeling 'raped'. And now without the movie even having made it to theaters, the new Ghostbusters reboot has already gone and in some incredible twist of time travel, ruined people's childhood. Now that is a truly powerful movie. So far for the 2016 reboot of Ghostbusters, due to hit theater in the near future, all we have had is a couple of trailers. Yet even before that, just because it was announced that the reboot would feature an all female team, the 'fans' came out in mass numbers to claim how awful it was going to be and  started the clams that their childhoods were ruined. WTF is wrong with these people? Are we such a messed up misogynist society? Oh no, we can't have women entertain us... And this was all start...

Collecting For Value vs. Just Getting Cool Pieces

Recently, due to life events, I had to look at my various collections and estimate a value to them.  I have never been one to collect as an investment and rarely worry about the actual value of the pieces in my collections. Due to that mentality, I have large collections that do not have much financial value to them. They look impressive and massive, but I would have hard time making in real money off of selling them. With-in that I have a handful of valuable pieces, but nothing outrageous or life changing in value. If I had any of those pieces, I would have a hard time justifying keeping it in my collection. Yet I know people who are first and foremost concerned with the value of the collection. I have had people look at my collection and instantly assume it is valuable and are often surprised when I tell them that is not a priority for me. I would rather have interesting pieces with some story behind them than just valuable pieces. One of my favorite interesting pieces to s...

Geeking Out The House

With all that has been happening in my life, I decided to go and really geek out my house. It has been a fun process of going through my stuff and getting it out on display. Here we have my Star Wars wall    And this is my Marvel Comics wall. More is already getting added to it   Here is the start of my Dr. Who wall.  Already plan to add more to this one   This is the bookcase I have put in my living room. Filled with all manner of my geeky collectables. I am finding it highly relaxing to walk trough my house and see my geeky interests reflected everywhere. My boys have also been enjoying all the redecorating. I have been making sure to include them in some of the decision making in this. I am going to finish up this post by promoting The Fifth Di... You can find my story 'This Crime Immortality' in their March 2016 issue.

Now That is How You End a Series

Last night we saw the end of a great, short lived cartoon show, Gravity Falls. In just two season we were given a great, complete story of two twins spending an incredible summer with their great uncle. Producers need to take note of how and why Gravity Falls ended. The show's creator ended the show because he told his complete story and was not about to mess things up by keeping the show going after the story is told. While that meant we only got two seasons of this remarkable show, it also means we got a full story and we get to end the show with a proper ending that was clearly how it was always to end. The final episode had it all. You see real growth in all these characters, even minor ones. All the stories came together, giving us a feel that every episode mattered. And we really did care about what happened to all the characters. If you are not familiar with the show, then I recommend you get out and binge watch it. Only two seasons and a batch of shorts, so it is a...