They Are Men, Not Gods
With all the rumors flowing around about Star Wars right now, the batch of toxic fans who basically are the ones responsible for any troubles the franchise is going through right now, as there is some logic to say they helped make Solo perform so badly in theaters. (All the other Disney Star Wars movies have made blockbuster level returns.) It was the failing of Solo that has caused Disney to look at the franchise and think about doing some drastic, unneeded changes. With Star Wars, the ultimate toxic fan, Doomcock (Emperor of the dumbest name a misogynistic a-hole could come up with) is spreading rumors about Lucas' return as the head of Lucasfilm as the divine savior of the franchise. Outside of the fact that Lucas gave up his company for a reason and I've seen nothing to suggest he has changed his mind, there are so any flaws to embracing this belief. Those like Doomcock (How can anyone take an seriously someone who choose to be called by such a lame-ass name?) are able to...