Now That is a Truly Stupid Idea

There is an internet personality who calls himself Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock (DVD), yes that is the name he goes by and I believe he believes it is a clever name. He has a whole Youtube channel dedicated to him being a toxic fan and putting down anything and everything that does not live up to his beliefs of what is worthy entertainment. He shows himself to be a true misogynist. For as he puts down anything that has the slightest essence of female empowerment, he claims he is all for powerful female characters as long as they fit into his little box of female characters.

The basic idea is that he knows better than everyone else how stories should be told and that all he is doing is trying to safeguard our modern myths, painting himself as a heroic force here to save us all.

Understand, this a is guy who is upset with the questionable science of only the newest seasons of Doctor Who, the ones starring Jody Whittaker, the first female Doctor. He is able to ignore all the horribly bad science that has been used for over fifty in every incarnation of Doctor who, but is going to point it all out now that there is a female Doctor. If you watch his video, this is his norm. He rips apart so many aspects when strong females characters are there, that he will straight out ignore or even compliment when connected to male characters.

Needless to say he hates the newest Star Wars trilogy, spending a lot of time talking down about the character Rey, even when a lot of those criticisms could be said about both Luke and Anakin. He is one of the toxic fans that for whatever reason refuses to accept the the prequel trilogy produced the worst movies in the franchise, two of which I and many other find unwatchable, due to how bad they are. But those had a male lead and were made by Lucas, so they get overlooked by Doomcock (Seriously, who would call themselves by such a stupid name as he tries to say we should listen to his opinions?). While the sequel trilogy has its flaws and there are a fair amount of issues I have wit them, they are not bad movies.

Now the great Doomcock (I really have hard time using that name and not picturing a full on joke of a person, yet I truly believe he thinks it is witty) claims he has sources at Disney. He has mentioned these sources many time in his videos. Now he is claiming those sources are telling him Disney is planning on doing one truly stupid, poorly conceived retcon of the sequels, making the actual movies no longer canon. And he is celebrating this idea, ignoring the truth of just how such a thing would be the actual act that would ruin the franchise.

So the whole idea revolves around a concept introduced in the Star Wars cartoon series, Star Wars Rebels. At one point we see a corridor of mirrors that reflect various possible realities. In the retconning, the Emperor would somehow use his own collection of these mirrors to rewrite the future and create a new trilogy.

Oddly enough Doomcock (Seriously, that name is so lame), is one of those who was upset over the return of the Emperor and how he had not died at the end of Return of the Jedi, so I am unclear how having him still survive is acceptable in this case.

So here is small list of my problems with redoing the sequel trilogy.

First off, one thing that worked for the new movies was to see the return of the heroes from the classic trilogy. That is not going to happen again.

Carrie Fisher sadly cannot return. Harrison Ford has made it clear he wants to be done with the character. And I doubt Mark Hamill would return. So the connections to the original trilogy that all the fans would want, would not be there. And honestly, it would be spitting on the legacy of Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew (He played Chewbacca in most of the movies, sequels included).

Next up is the simple fact that there is no guarantee at all that any new movies would be better movies or better received. In fact, with how messed up the basic concept is, there is a good chance such new movies would really suck as they likely would be overly forced and micro-managed. They might even end up being worse movies than the prequel trilogy. Even if you are someone who dislikes the movies, why take the risks. Best to let things be.

Now one aspect that Doomcock (I so hate that name with ever fiber of my being. It is just so stupid) talked about was the merchandising. Now understand, ever single one of the sequel movies was a blockbuster. They made big bucks, and would have made even more if it weren't for the fact that China in general is not into Star Wars and they are the second largest movie going market in the world. So the movies made money, but the merchandising was not up to the level of previous movies, including the prequels. The thing that is being over looked, is that all such merchandising is not up to the standards it was twenty years ago. That has nothing to do with the quality of public opinion of the movies, but that people are not collecting like they have in the past. Making a replacement trilogy will not change that, so the merchandising is still going to fall flat.

Of course by doing such a thing, replacing movies in this manner, that sets up a new standard where people are just going to lose faith in films. Why get invested in any franchise if they might just throw it all away if it fails to live up to someone's standards. And of course putting a new set of episode 7, 8 and 9 out would be confusing and cause a lot of non-fans to be burnt out before the movies even hit the theaters. People seem to have enough of an issue understanding the concept of the prequels and how the movies were not made in order. Now you want to them to grasp that the first set of sequel films and not the real sequel now, but the new set are the real sequel, at least until the studio decides to redo them again.

Personally, I truly believe if Disney decides to push this really bad idea, there is a real good chance these new movies would extremely under perform and in the end hurting the whole franchise greatly.

It is a horrible idea that only toxic fans are hoping for. The future of Star Wars would be best served by keeping with the idea of exploring difference areas of the Star Wars universe away from the Skywalker Saga for a little while. This is what Disney should push for if they really want to do the right thing for the Star wars franchise and its future.


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