the 2014 Denver 48 Hour Film Project

So this year I was involved in an entry for the 48 Film Project here in the Denver area. ( Your team has 48 hours to put together a short film, no longer than 7 minutes (Before credits). I've been part of a team before and was very proud of our final product:

This year I am not sure what I can say about our final product.
Somehow all the needed dialogue to make the story clear got cut. I was not involved in the editing process, so I am unsure why that happened, when the film could have been two minutes longer, and included all that NEEDED dialogue. We filmed those scenes and they would have added so much to the film. As it is I do not think anyone who has not read the script will understand all of what is going on.

I have other isseus beyond that, but it is the feeling the the script itself got ignored for the most part that bugs me the most.

I am taking it as a learning experience. I have ever intention of participating in these contests when the chance comes my way. Even when it feels like a lot of mistakes were made, it does not scare me off from doing something I very much enjoy doing.

Here is another short film I was involved with that I am very proud of:
Birthright was done for a 72 hour film contest. My son got a staring role in it and I am really pleased with how it came out.


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