Is This The Movie We've Been Waiting For?

Today we see the release of what truly may be about the most anticipated super hero movie ever.

Wonder Woman.

Anyone who reads this blog knows I am not a DC comics fan. I have never been able to get into their comics (With a handful of exceptions) and rarely find their movies worth seeing. Superman vs Batman is one of the worst, most poorly convinced movies I have ever suffered through. Suicide Squad was...not sure how to describe a movie that empty in story, plot and character. Despite all the praise, I found The Dark Knight lacking, with only the portrayal of the Joker being well done. Which may not saying much, as I find the character of the Joker to be weak at its core.(I may have a future post to write on why the Joker is a poor character in general)  I have not had any desire to see a single DCU film in the theaters due to just how poor they have routinely done with their movies.

Yet something about Wonder Woman is making me want to see it in the theaters to learn if it is a good as it looks like it might be.

I also have hopes it will do good because I do think there are a great deal of female super heroes that would be great as the lead character in a movie.

And I am not the only one thinking this. Alamo Draft House decided to celebrate this possibility by hosting women only showings of the film, which has upset a batch of people who are proving such an event is actually needed by their protesting of it. I am a white, heterosexual male who agrees that there are too many movies that focus on white, heterosexual males as the main character.

The reviews for Wonder Woman are the best there have been for a DCU movie, so that is hopeful.

The one thing that kept bugging me with the Wonder Woman trailers is that it looked a lot like Captain America: The First Avenger. Yes, Wonder Woman is set in WWI (Even though that was not how the comics went), but it is still a period piece super hero film, where the main character fights in a world war before somehow ending up in the modern era. Hopefully there will be a storyline that makes Wonder Woman unique enough to stand on its own. Would be nice to see a DCU movie actually have a well thought out plot for once.

Even if Wonder Woman is as good as everyone is saying, is that the beginning of a change for DCU movies? Right now I do not have any faith at all that Justice League will be any good. From everything I have seen it just feels like it won't be able to deliver what it is trying for. While they may have improved the looks of Aquaman, just making him look badass for once does not mean they will get anything else right in the film.

In the end, Wonder Woman is a movie that will be heavily watched by all the film studios to see how it does. It has a huge weight on its shoulders, due to just what it will mean if it does well. Time to wait and see what comes of it.


  1. I don't know if i am an opponent or a proponent of the amount of superhero films that have been pummeling us over the past 10 years.I feel like its starting to get a little out of hand.

  2. As good as Wonder Woman is - there is nothing about it to indicate that the Justice League movie will be good (other than the actress).


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