Wait a Minute, There's a Market For This Stuff?

Today I was screwing around on Amazon Prime just looking at what they had, hoping to find something interesting. In the end I guess I found something interesting.

First odd movie I decided to check out was 'Psycho Bettys From the Planet Pussycat' (2011).

And no, this was not soft core porn.

I lasted 10 minutes before I just could not watch any more.

Yeah, this was real low budget. Cardboard and aluminum foil sets. The costumes were clearly just whatever the talent wore to set. We even get an old television, covered in foil, as a set piece.

Then they had musical numbers... With some really awkward editing to it.

I'm not even sure how to describe what I was watching. It just didn't make sense at all. I couldn't keep watching.

So then I scrolled through some more and found 'Space Boobs In Space' (2017) written by and staring Dee Flowered.

Believe it or not, once more NOT soft core porn.

Again this was about as low budget as it get. Painted water guns for the weapons and such.

Lots of cleavage shots, which I didn't mind.

Just couldn't watch more then ten minutes of it.

The acting, writing, editing, lighting and so on were all just so horrible on both these films. This is the quality level of the films I did in high school on no budget, when I had no clue what I was doing but just wanted to make movies. Back when I had to do all my editing in camera, with no access to things like youtube videos on how to do things. I was just winging it back then.

Not sure how an adult now days could justify such low levels of quality. The cheaper cameras are so much better quality now. There are many cheap and free editing programs that are so easy to use. You can get on-line and find so many videos that will help you learn how to up your quality.

I'm really not sure why these movies got made and how they have made an money. If anyone knows how there is a market for this and where you can sell such movies at, please send that info along to me. I want to know who these movies are made for. Somehow they are making money, as they are on Amazon Prime and I can't see that happening for free.

I have been working with my boys on short films, and I very much believe their projects are far more watchable.

In this day and age I am at a lose as to how films of this low quality level get made and end up with some level of distribution. There must be people who enjoy watching these films, maybe not altogether sober. But I'd be willing to give making such films a try if someone would be wiling to pay me to do it.


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