Gotham Would Be Better Off Without Batman

I have never hidden my dislike for the character Batman here. The more I see of the character the less I like him and the more annoying he becomes. He is one that I feel is mostly popular because of his look, since he really is a poorly conceived character no matter how you look at it.

The big Batman trilogy was really the story of how incompetent the Gotham Police force is, which was the only reason Batman came off as heroic. If at any point the police themselves, acted as a real police force does, there would have been no need at all for Batman. Seriously, none of the movies would have made any sense at all if even half the Gotham police were able to do their job. And as a whole, they were completely useless and idiotic.

So lets take the basic concept of Batman. The city of Gotham is overwhelmed with crime to such a ridiculous level, way beyond anything rational, and it needs one man, who dressed up as a bat to make all the difference.  Yes, we are going with the rational before the whole Bat-family got in there, because it all started with just Batman, who had no concept of creating the Bat-family at that point.

You have Batman going out on his own to fight all the crime in the city, because it is clearly shown the the Gotham police are incapable of keeping order.

Let's jump back now.  we have this ultra wealthy young man, who basically has no one around to tell him how to spend his money, none of which he has earned. He is the picture of a spoiled rich kid and that is why he becomes Batman.

If he really wanted to make a difference and eliminate crime for Gotham, instead of putting millions, if not billions, of dollars into his batcave and all his vehicles and equipment, he instead invested that money into the actual Gotham Police Force. Give the police effective training and equipment on the same level as all of Batman's stuff, that would be a far more effective method of fighting crime and making a difference.

But no, Batman wants to play the vigilante and spend the money of his own toys, so he can be hero and have the spotlight. In just about all the incarnations of Batman, this is what we see. Some versions are far worse than others, such as the DCEU version we see in Batman vs Superman, which is the true worst example of this.

Bruce Wayne shows time and time again that it is more about the show and spectacle of it all, his little thrill ride to get his adrenaline pumping. In some version it seems he is something as a masochist, as he seems to get off on giving and receiving pain. We've seen him prolong fights for no rational reason. we get told all about his genius and skills, yet more often than not he seems to follow the dumb, drawn-out method of dealing with his foes.

While it might be an unpopular opinion, I do not find Batman to be a good example of a hero and will never understand his popularity.


  1. Ok, so you have some good points, but I think everything you have mentioned here as a negative is offset by the positive of him repeatedly training child-soldiers to fight with him.

    Have you noticed the older Batman gets the younger his current Robin gets? it's a vigilante mid-life crisis. his next Robin is just going to be a Sperm with an R and a cape.


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