Let's Talk About Locke and Key

Last year I cheeked out season one of the Netflix series 'Locke and Key' based of the graphic novels by Joe Hill of the same name.

I really enjoyed the show. Lots of interesting magic being used, with a complex backstory and system in use that slowly gets explored. So many intriguing ideas.

And the keys themselves are just a really awesome take on an old concept.

I really could use the Anywhere Key (A key that when used on a door makes the doorway open on any other door you can picture) myself.

Recently season two came out and I enjoyed it as well. A lot of storylines from season one were finished up with new plots and twists being introduced so that there is clearly a story set up for a third season.

At that point I was able to hunt down a good on a set of the original six graphic novels and read them.

The base story is the same more or less between the two formats, but there are just so many differences in the details.

The comics were more direct horror stories, while the live action toned down the horror, although it is still there and still a vital part of the story, just not the dominating element. There were surreal aspects to the comics that might have been interesting to see in live action, but I don't think would have transferred well or helped the story, that they did not use, focusing on a more realistic atmosphere.

Both are enjoyable stories and worth experiencing.

The comics were able to use more keys and give a larger view of the world, while the show did a much better job with the characters (In the comics most of the characters, both main and minor, are not highly likeable, even the protagonists)  and the family's struggle. Of course seeing the keys being used in live action was just so much more awesome than depiction in the comics. Although the shadow creatures were more impressive looking in the comics, as were the demons and the whispering iron and were most likely simplified in the show for budget reasons.

I know there are a lot of Locke and Key comics out there that I will slowly be trying to hunt down as I go, so that I can learn as much as possible about the universe, as I am really enjoying it so far. I did pick up issue 1 of the crossover they did with Neil Gaiman's Sandman universe and will be licking up issue two, as the two universe do seem to blend together well.

There is a lot to look forward to as this franchise is still on going in both print and live action formats. It looks like the live action will however now be going way out on its own story wise, as the set up for season three is not connected to anything we saw in the graphic novels, making it so we could have two differing stories going it the two formats, which would not be a bad thing.

As a note of interest, creator of Locke and Key Joe Hill's real name is Joseph Hillström King and he is the son of some guy named Stephen King.


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