That Was Just as Bad as it Gets. What the Hell Were They Thinking?

 I have been a fan of G.I.Joe since the rebirth of it back in the early 80s.

My first G.I.Joe action figure was the original Snake-Eyes because I thought he looked really cool.

The comics by Larry Hama was the first comic book series I collected, starting randomly with issue 12 titled 'Three Strikes for Snake-Eyes' and then regularly with issue 22 and I kept collecting the series all the way to the final issue.

I watched the cartoon, but I remember never being that interested in it. The comics were so much better.

The two live action films did not impress me at all. They were just so poorly done. They showed they had no idea what they were doing, especially when the tried to redo Snake-Eye's story, which they failed with big time.

So when they announced they were going to do a live action Snake-Eyes movie to try and reboot the franchise, I was not expecting much at all. I had no faith and no real interest in seeing the film

Found out it was streaming and decided to check to see if I was justified in my judgement.

Wow was I ever right.

The film is really, really about as bad as it gets on every level.

There was no story or plot. You don't care at all about any of the characters. They made Snake-Eyes uninteresting, with nothing badass about him, as he does nothing throughout the film, with no scenes at all showing him developing skills. They forced in appearances by Scarlet and The Baroness just to have them in the film as they do nothing in the little screen time they are given.

And as an action film it is lacking in action. They are really only two action scenes and those scenes are nothing special at all.

The actors themselves don't really seem to care, with none of them seeming to put much effort into their performances as they really did not seem to know their characters at all.

There really is nothing worth watching in this film. they don't even give Snake-Eyes his signature look until right at the end of the film, you know the look all the actions figures are based off of.

As shown in the comics, Snake-Eyes was a mysterious, skillful character and as the story of his life was revealed we learn just complex a person he was, with so much  of a layered, uniquely tragic backstory that gave him such depth. The movie took all of that away and left us with a cliché backstory and an uninteresting character with simple, boring motivations.

There are bad movies I will defend on some level, with films like 'X-Men's Origins: Wolverine' being worth watching for the first ten minutes or so and there being other watchable elements in it. I cannot say anything like that about Snake-Eyes. There was no point of the film I felt was worth watching.

This was film as that regretfully failed to live up to even my low expectations for it. I mean at least I was hoping for some intense fight scenes, but those were fully absent.

While the G.I.Joe franchise as a whole is still going well using the strength of nostalgia for the 80s, the live action film side of things is most likely dead at this point. This marks three failed films in a row and that is something hard to come back from. And even as fan, I will be happy if they never try to do a live action film again.

Some things are better left alone.


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