Just Let Them Like What They Like

I have been a major fanboy of so many things over my life. Just looking around my office you can see at least a dozen different geeky franchises represented on my shelves. There are so many geeky things that I am passionate about and enjoy being part of.

I have also at times been laughed at or told that I should not have such 'childish' interests or been told I am liking the wrong things. The reasons for this are varied, but at all times there do seem to be individuals out there who dislike my interests and wish to put me down in some manner for having them.

While I will admit there have been times where I myself have been critical of someone else's interests that I disliked and might not have been at my best regarding my comments, I have very much become a person who understands that everyone is going to have their passions and should be allowed to embrace those passions if it gives them joy. I do not need to like a franchise or interest for other to find value in them. A prime example of this is sports, which I really have no interest at all in and find boring. Yet there is no doubt how huge sporting events are and how passionate the fans can be of them. People enjoying going to a baseball game does no harm at all to me, even if I do not get any pleasure from such events.

It surprises me at how many people are unable to comprehend that.

I have never been one to jump on the bandwagon. While the crowd yells out what bands you are supposed to hate, I've listened to what I like. I will defend that Nickelback has some great songs, no matter how much some wish to tell us they suck. I think 'Howard the Duck' is a great, fun film, despite all the hate it gets. I kept collecting action figures even after I was told I needed to grow up.

I know I have the right to enjoy what I enjoy, as long as it does not harm anyone, no matter what anyone or everyone else thinks. I also know that is the right for everyone else out there.

Now I will admit I have not always been the best regarding this in the past, but I go out of my way to respect the passions of others, even if I do not share or understanding them. There are many popular and unpopular franchises that I just do not connect with. And it is fine if others enjoy them, no matter how little I may think of some of them. Unless I am being forced to against my will, which would be a whole different issue, I don't have to watch of take part in them.

Yet there too often seems to be those out there who wish to put down others because they do not share in the same passions. There does seem to be an element of human nature in doing this, but that does not justify such actions. We are beings capable to growing beyond such needs after all.

We are all individuals with unique aspects that make us who we are, and a big part of that is what we get passionate over. Only someone with a disrespectful ego would believe that everyone should find enjoyment in all of their passions and nothing else.

There is room for all of our passions in this world and we as a whole are best served by being respectful of that.


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