Delusions of Godhood

The following is the introduction to the first collection of fiction I self-published, 'My Delusions of Godhood'. This is a collection of my older fiction, if you are interested in seeing my style from about 20 years ago, the collection is still available here: My Delusions of Godhood


The title of this collection (My Delusions of Godhood) is based off my general belief that all writers suffer from of a basic need to play god. We create worlds and universes, give them our own rules of physics and logic, then we create life in those worlds and manipulate that life as we see fit for entertainment purposes. Our creations laugh and cry or live and die by our whims.  We play god with every story we write. I am also fairly sure we enjoy it, otherwise we wouldn’t keep doing it.

I openly embrace my god complex.

After creating the title for this collection, as I gathered up the pieces of fiction I wanted to include, I noticed about half of the stories I had picked dealt with various ideas of gods. We have a story set in Norse Mythology, one that is my take on the one God concept, a story about prophecies and a set of stories based in my own fantasy world with my own concepts of gods. It is a common theme for many other writers as well. There is clearly an attraction for writers to explore the various god concepts. With that we see those with god complexes controlling gods, even creating their own. Us mere mortals manipulating the lives, actions and even the fate of gods.

Is there really any doubt that writers have god complexes?

I figure some psychiatrist out there could make a whole new area of psychology by exploring this condition and seeing if there is some link between being creative and having a god complex.

In the following pages are my stories and poems and a blog post that is actually the compilation of three separate blogs I wrote on the idea of the importance of fiction in our society. The stories for the most part are in no particular order, outside of those that have been previously published are in order of when they were sold and the Akoon section being in chronological order.

I hope anyone picking up this collection will find something entertaining in it. Having come from my mind, I figure there must be some glimpse into the workings of my brain in the following pages.  Admittedly that might scare some people and leaves those who know me with a better understanding of the insanity that drives me.

So enjoy.


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