Official Doctor Who Legos Are Now a Possibility
Through a special Lego on-line program called Lego Cuusoo ( ) we have gotten a Back to the Future Lego set and will be getting Ghostbuster Legos in the very near future. The way Cuusoo works is that people propose ideas for possible Lego set and if the idea gets 10,000 supporters, it is up for consideration by the Lego company. If the project is doable, then it can move on to being an actually produced Lego set. Very often the reason for a project to get rejected is due to licensing rights. Well up until recently the idea of Legos doing any Doctor Who themed set was an impossibility due to the company Character Options owning the right to Doctor Who toys and producing a Lego like line of Doctor Who building toys. Lego has just made an anoouncemnt that something has changed. No actual information as to why they are now allowed to consider Doctor Who themes, as it seems that Character Opt...